We are a PADI Dive Centre
and have all of the equipment, and expertise to offer a wide range of services for you and your kit.

At our Dive Center, we have a state of the art compressor. Feel free to drop by with your cylinders or request a refill by phone/email to check our availability.
All cylinders to be filled must be within test date and in good condition. (dive cylinders 2 ½ years, dedicated surface cylinders 5 years)
Mixed gas cylinders must also be in O2 clean service (every 15 months).

Kit Hire
We have a wide range of equipment suitable for all shapes, sizes and preferences. If you are booking onto a course with us and want to use your own kit, please let us know so we can discuss and confirm its suitability for training.
Kit hire can be arranged in some cases so please fell free to contact us to discuss.

Keeping your equipment regularly serviced is one of the most important responsibilities of any scuba diver.
We are an accredited servicing provider for a variety of scuba gear with the ability to repair, renew and replace existing parts to make sure your equipment is in fully working order. Please contact us to discuss.